A Good Drama – The Hospital

F4’s Jerry Yan is back! Heehee, I may be a bit slow, when Jerry’s latest drama The Hospital aka White Tower aka 白色巨塔 was already broadcasted in Taiwan in mid 2006, but watching just 2 episodes of the drama has made Dear2 appluad this fantastic production and which gives me something to look forward to. (I simply groused out of the plot of The Peak, now showing on TV8, 9pm; so cheesy!! Don’ t you have the de ja vu feeling of a familiar plot once again – complicated love relationships, mysteriously too-frequent accidents, and that irritating rowdy aunties and uncles. Do Singaporeans really only know to speak loudly and get into arguments all the time?? Cannot understand. Probably the most interesting aspect of the series is the peek into the workings of a shipyard, cos afterall, how many of us have stepped into one before? But the plot and skills of the actors/ actresses…….. *Shake head shake head*)

The Hospital is definitely much more interesting. How I miss the captivating of one’s heart at the end of each episode, when you just want to continue watching to know what will happen next, ie, a cliff hanger. Unfortunately again, this kind of allure has longed ceased from our local productions. Struggles for power, lives hanging on the line, love affairs, medical malpractice decisions, all these are simultaneosly happening at the same which keeps you glued to the screen. Hee, of course, a pretty face as Jerry’s gives more incentive for the anticipation.

2 episodes down, 37 more to go. Let me enjoy this wonderful bliss before resigning to our cannot-make-it local programs again.

– Dear2

2 thoughts on “A Good Drama – The Hospital

  1. Pingback: The Hospital 2 « Dear1 Dear2

  2. Pingback: The Hospital: A Dear1's perspective « Dear1 Dear2

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